Conditions of hire

  1. The Hirer will, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for the supervision and care of the premises, the fabric and the contents, and for the behaviour of all persons using the premises in whatever capacity and for the proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the highway.
  2. The Hirer shall not sub-let or use the premises for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything or bring into the premises anything that may endanger either people or the fabric of the building. Smoking is prohibited in all parts of the Hall.
  3. The Hirer is responsible for obtaining licences or permissions that may be required for the performance of plays or music. The sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises is allowed, subject to application to the Hall’s Licence Holder. Licences should be available for inspection during the period of hiring. The Hirer should not allow the consumption of alcohol on the premises or in the environs of the Hall by persons who are, or appear to be, under the age of 18.The Hirer should not contravene the law in relation to betting, gambling and lotteries on the premises.
  4. The accommodation limit is 200 persons or 196 people seated in rows ‘theatre’ style or 120 seated at tables. Any function attended wholly or mainly by children under 14 years of age must be suitably supervised according to current legislation.
  5. Public Safety.
    • Organisers should acquaint themselves with the location of fire exits and emergency equipment, and the “In Case of Fire” instructions. Fire fighting appliances should be accessible and in their allocated places at all times
    • Gangways and exits should be kept clear of obstructions
    • Exit lighting should be switched on during performances, dances or other events attended by the public
    • A responsible person must be delegated by the Hirer to call the Fire Brigade in the event of fire
    • Seating for plays, concerts etc. should be according to permitted plans available from the Hall Secretary
    • A maximum of 6 persons in wheelchairs, each accompanied by an able bodied person, are allowed per play or concert performance, seated according to the permitted plan
    • Temporary lighting may not be used unless it is installed by a qualified electrician
    • Do not put toxic or other harmful waste in the Hall’s bins. Please recycle paper and glass whenever possible, either by arrangement with the caretaker or by removing from the Hall to a recycling point.
  6. The Hirer is responsible for leaving the Hall in a clean and tidy condition, with chairs, tables or other equipment returned to where found, unless prior arrangements have been made with the caretakers. The Hall Management Committee reserves the right to charge a deposit against damage or excessive cleaning, which is refundable if the premises are left in a clean and tidy state.
  7. The premises must be vacated by 30 minutes after midnight Monday to Saturday nights and by 23:00 on Sundays. Music must stop by 23:45 (22:30 on Sundays), unless by prior arrangement with the Secretary, and the volume of music or other amplified sound should be controlled at all times to ensure that no nuisance is caused to nearby residents. Our alcohol licence does not allow the consumption of alcohol after 23.00 even if the alcohol is not being sold. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that no disturbance or nuisance is caused to nearby residents at any time by persons attending a function, particularly when leaving the Hall at night.
  8. The Management Committee reserves the right to charge all or part of the hire charge in the event of the Hirer cancelling a booking without sufficient notice. In the event of the Hall being required for use as a Polling Station, prior bookings will be cancelled and any fees paid refunded in full. If the Hall is rendered unfit for use by circumstances outside the control of the Committee, the Committee will not be liable to the Hirer for any loss of income or other damage.
  9. The Hall’s Public Liability insurance does not cover accidents or incidents due to or caused by equipment brought into the Hall by Hirers. Hirers should ensure that the owners of such equipment e.g. bouncy castles, discos, display stands are adequately insured.
  10. All accidents or incidents in the premises should be recorded in the Accident Book on the notice board inside the Hall and also reported to the Caretaker or Secretary as soon as possible after the event. A First Aid kit is located on the kitchen windowsill.
  11. Sound equipment, including a hearing loop, is available. Please request at the time of booking.
  12. Hirers are responsible for the proper operation of stage curtains. The front of stage velvet curtains are operated by a handle to the right at the top of the fixed steps, the mid-point black curtains by a draw cord on the same side of the stage. Hirers will be held responsible for damage caused to the curtains or tracking by pulling these curtains by hand. The black curtains surrounding the stage may be adjusted gently by hand.
© Pinder Hall 2024
Registered charity number: 300142